Self-Exclusion List
Publicly available banned player lists in the United States gaming establishments, as well as resources on private lists.

Casino Banned & Self Exclusion Lists by State
States A-M
Alabama bans gaming devices.
Three casinos run by the Poarch Creek Band of Creek Indians tribal Gaming Commission are exempt from this rule. Any internal ban lists are not available to the public. There is no option for self-exclusion on their website.
Alaska does not maintain a centralized ban nor self-exclusion list.
Individual casinos may have their own internal lists.
Arizona’s involuntary and self-exclusion lists are not available to the public. Tribes must establish procedures for advising people about the state’s self-exclusion list.
(Per: American Gaming Association )
Self-exclusion application: Arizona Division of Problem Gambling
Resources: Arizona Division of Problem Gambling
Arkansas does not maintain a centralized ban nor self-exclusion list.
Individual casinos do offer lists: Southland Casino
California’s self-exclusion lists are confidential and only available to Department of Justice employees, law enforcement, licensed gambling establishment key employees, and non-licensed gambling establishment employees.
Self-excluded individuals are banned from all licensed gaming establishments in California. This does not include Tribal Casinos.
Self-exclusion applications can be submitted online: State of California Department of Justice
Self-excluded individuals are not automatically banned from Tribal Casinos. See their exclusion lists here:
Colorado distributes the self-exclusion list to all licensed casinos.
Colorado offers self-exclusion and reinstatement by mail.
All licensed gambling operations in the state receive notice. Casinos must monitor their patrons in accordance with the ban and self-exclusion lists.
Connecticut’s self-exclusion list became law with Public Act No. 21-23. It includes physical brick and mortar casinos, eGaming, and fantasy sports.
Connecticut does not publicly release the names on their self-exclusion list.
Individuals can add themselves to the self-exclusion list here
Self-exclusion applications must be submitted in person.
Individuals can add themselves to the self-exclusion list here
Individuals included on this list are banned from dog and harness tracks, jai-alai frontons, and barrel-racing operations that are licensed to provide poker and slots in addition to the traditional casino locations.
The only casino in Georgia is the Emerald Princess in Brunswick. They do not maintain a publicly available ban or self-exclusion list.
Hawaii does not maintain a centralized ban nor self-exclusion list.
There are no land-based casinos in Hawaii; visiting cruise ships cannot offer Vegas-style gambling when located in Hawaiian waters.
Idaho does not maintain a centralized ban nor self-exclusion list.
Individual casinos may have their own internal lists.
The Illinois self-exclusion list is separate and confidential.
Problem Gamblers can enroll in a self-exclusion program, or add themselves to the problem gambling registry system.
Indiana has no centralized list of those who have been involuntarily excluded.
Individuals can sign up at any Indiana casino, at the IGC office in Indianapolis, or with a designated problem gambling treatment provider for one year, five years, or lifetime exclusion.
Individuals can sign up for the VEP here
The self-exclusion list is confidential.
Iowa has no centralized list of those who have been involuntarily excluded.
Enroll by mail, in person at IRGC office, in person at an Iowa Gambling Treatment Program, at any state licensed gambling facility.
Kansas does not maintain a centralized ban nor self-exclusion list.
Individual casinos may have their own internal lists.
You may complete an application for placement on Voluntary Exclusion List at any KRGC office. Each Kansas casino has a KRGC office located on the property; casino security can direct you to a KRGC agent. Applications are processed during casino operating hours.
Kentucky does not maintain a centralized ban nor self-exclusion list.
Individual casinos may have their own internal lists.
The self-exclusion list is not available to the public but is distributed by the board to casinos.
Individual casinos may have their own internal lists.
Casino gaming establishments regulated by the Board: all licensed riverboat casinos, all pari-mutuel live racing facilities, and the official gaming establishment in New Orleans.
Casinos must remove your name from their direct mailing lists.
The Gambling Control Board holds the official self-exclusion list and distributes it to casino or slot establishments only.
No one except the Gambling Control Unit may release the names of anyone on the self-exclusion list.
For those who self-exclude, the only people who will have access to your information will be the Maryland Lottery and Gaming Control Agency and the Maryland casino operators.
Minnesota does not maintain a centralized ban nor self-exclusion list.
Individual casinos may have their own internal lists.
The Mississippi Gaming Control Act § 75-76-35 and Mississippi Gaming Commission Regulation provides a list of names of persons who are to be excluded from all licensed casinos in the state of Mississippi.
Montana does not maintain a centralized ban nor self-exclusion list.
Individual casinos may have their own internal lists.
States N-W
Nebraska does not maintain a centralized ban nor self-exclusion list.
Individual casinos may have their own internal lists.
New Hampshire does not maintain a centralized ban nor self-exclusion list.
Individual casinos may have their own internal lists.
The board may place individuals on the involuntary exclusion list that are excluded or ejected from a licensed premise, upon the board’s determination that such exclusion or ejection is in the best interest of the state or licensed gaming activity.
Nobody is banned from casinos in New York, according to the state’s Gaming Commission.
Individual casinos can ban patrons on their own accord.
New York is required to keep a list of people “involuntarily excluded” from any licensed gaming facility publicly available on its website; there are no individuals currently banned.
Gambling devices are banned by the state of North Carolina, except for a few casinos operated by the Cherokee Tribal Gaming Commission.
It is likely that the Cherokee tribe maintains their own internal banned list, however they offer no option for self-exclusion on their website.
North Dakota does not maintain a public centralized ban nor self-exclusion list.
A log of all involuntarily excluded persons must be kept by the commission and shared with each operator (in sports wagering).
Ohio Ban List: Ohio Ban List
The Ohio Casino Control Law authorizes the Commission to involuntarily exclude individuals from casino facilities who pose a threat to the integrity of casino gaming.
The majority of Oklahoma’s tribal casinos participate in a centralized exclusion list.
The list is not publicly available.
The tribes that are listed as members of the Oklahoma Indian Gaming Association but do not participate in the statewide OAPCG self-exclusion program: The Eastern Shawnee, Wichita, Cheyenne Arapaho, Fort Sill Apache, Kickapoo, Sac and Fox, Miamis, Pawnee, Osage, Peoria, Ottawa, Wyandotte, and Quapaw.
Oregon does not maintain a centralized ban nor self-exclusion list.
Individual casinos may have their own internal lists.
Individuals being placed on the involuntary exclusion list by the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board are given thirty days’ notice to respond if they wish to appear/speak at the hearing. If they are placed on the list, it does not necessarily mean a lifetime ban. They can apply to be removed from the list in five years.
Rhode Island’s 2 casinos have a sole operator, Bally’s, which maintains its own ban and self-exclusion lists.
South Carolina only has one operational casino, the Big M casino.
They do not offer a self-exclusion list.
South Dakota does not maintain a centralized self-exclusion list.
Individual casinos may have their own internal lists.
Each casino operates their own self exclusion lists, but sharing of lists between casinos and sportsbooks is required.
These self-exclusion lists are then required to be shared with the Tennessee Education Lottery (TEL) through monthly reports.
These lists are not made public.
Professional gambling is illegal in Texas; therefore, no banned or self-exclusion lists exist.
The one tribal casino in the state does not offer self-exclusion.
Professional gambling is illegal in Utah; therefore, no banned or self-exclusion lists exist.
Professional gambling is illegal in Vermont; therefore, no banned or self-exclusion lists exist.
The Self Exclusion list is not available to the public.
The Self Exclusion list is not available to the public.
Wisconsin does not offer any statewide self-exclusion list.
Individual Casino Banned/Self-Exclusion Lists
Wyoming does not offer a publicly available ban list and has no program for self-exclusion.