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How can you be certain you Know Your Customer? Read our articles for insights on ID authentication and identity management, then contact us for a personalized recommendation on how your organization can implement a more secure, multi-layered approach.
- ID Authentication
Placing Bets on Mobile Driver’s Licenses for ID and Payment
In the United States, 11 states have successfully introduced mDL to their residents. What does this shift mean for consumers and facilities required to check IDs? Specifically, what does this mean for casinos and their patrons?
- Watch List Management
- ID Authentication
Enhancing Data Center Security
Learn how Veridocs enhances data center security with ID authentication and watch list management modules, providing increased protection in visitor management.
- Use case
- ID Authentication
Nebraska Casino Operators Draw Veridocs
Learn how Veridocs became the recommended ID authentication and watchlist management solution in Nebraska’s newly introduced casino gaming landscape.
- Integrations
Inside Or Out: Firewall Consideration For SaaS
Should you keep your data storage and security in-house or trust a third party with your data? Weigh the strengths and weaknesses of both options to decide which one might be the best fit for your specific needs.
- ID Authentication
Fake IDs vs. Fraudulent IDs: What’s the Difference?
The terms “fake IDs” and “fraudulent IDs” are often used interchangeably. However, understanding the nuance between the two is helpful as you evaluate your identity management software.
- Use case
Use Case: Stopping Car Thieves Before Giving Them Keys
A major police unit in Nevada received a call from Budget® Car Rental Las Vegas. "We need to report that another one of our cars has been stolen. It may be another issue of a fake ID." The police department recommended Veridocs.
- Watch List Management
Enhancing Customer Loyalty Through List Checking
An integrated list-checking program can make personalization easier and boost customer loyalty.
Six Questions to Ask When Buying Your Next Enterprise Software
Selecting software can be overwhelming. Here are six guiding questions for finding the best option for your team.
- Use case
Use Case: Thwarting Theft in High-End Retail
In the world of high-end retail, items like jewelry and watches have long-been the target of thieves. Using Veridocs TrueAuthentication is a fast, easy way to minimize risks when frauds and fines are on the line.
Think It’s Easier Now to Spot a Fraudulent ID? Think Again.
Regulators are ratcheting up their scrutiny of age-restricted retail. Even a well-trained professional could get fatigued or fooled and make a costly mistake.
Evolution Platform Enhances Core Identity Management Technologies
Veridocs is evolving. Our new Evolution platform offers identity management with robust UI for faster results. Modules offer watch list management and monitoring.
- Watch List Management
- Watch List Monitoring
The Importance of Real-Time List Checking and Monitoring
In the realms of Knowing Your Customer and organizational security, checking an individual’s identity against internal and external watch lists, initially and beyond, is a key step to leverage data.
What’s the Difference Between ID Authentication and ID Verification?
ID authentication and ID verification are often used interchangeably, but one method of ID checking is far stronger than the other. Read insights from Veridocs.
Fake IDs Mean Real Consequences for Businesses
Counterfeit IDs are more sophisticated and easier to access than ever. Having the right age verification technology means spotting a fake and avoiding fines.
AML Compliance in Gaming: Knowing Your Customer Lays the Foundation
AML compliance for the gaming industry isn’t one-size-fits-all, but designing a strong KYC program is the foundation. ID authentication starts the process.
School Entrance Control Systems: A Guide for Evaluating Your Options
Affordable school entrance control technology can streamline staff involvement, maintain tight security, scan visitor temps, and assist with contact tracing.
- ID Authentication
Using Self-Service Kiosks for More Secure Transactions
Self-service and interactive kiosks are growing in popularity, and ID authentication technology is expanding their range of capabilities. Learn how you can take advantage.
- ID Authentication
Going Beyond Knowledge-Based ID Authentication
Knowledge-based authentication (KBA) is a common way to add security, but easily defeated. Physical ID authentication should be part of a more effective approach.