Reduce the Risk of Fraud and Fines with Advanced ID Authentication

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Knowing Your Customer Begins with Authentication

TrueAuthentication goes beyond a barcode ID scan, using multiple light sources, data matching, and a vast domestic and global ID database to authenticate a document in seconds. Our ID authentication technology verifies the wide array of security features unique to a particular ID against our proprietary database of domestic and global identification including passports and state drivers’ licenses.

TrueAuthentication Product Highlights

Icon real time results
Real-time authentication for government-issued domestic or international IDs
Icon most recent libraries
The most frequently updated document library
Truelistcheck 3
Reliable US-based live support 24/7/365 across all time zones.

Confirm the Validity of Advanced Security Features

Graphic ID 1

White Light Features

Features and patterns visible to the naked eye
Graphic ID 2

Near-Infrared Features

Light-absorbing inks applied only to certain fields
Graphic ID 3

Ultraviolet Light Features

State seals or other designs visible only in UV light
Bar Code

Bar Code, RFID & Magstripe Features

Machine-readable data scanned and cross-matched to front of ID document

Why Choose TrueAuthentication?

TrueAuthentication does so much more than a visual inspection ever can. Multiple light sources confirm advanced security features and a cross-match helps catch counterfeit IDs.

  • Performs real-time imaging, data capture, and ID analysis
  • Displays ID authentication results in a clear format
  • Stores IDs within your own firewall for added security

Industry Leaders Choose Veridocs

  ID Verification ID Authentication
  Others Veridocs with Evolution
  Visual Inspection Barcode Scan Mobile Scan Veridocs
Mobile Scan
Confirm UV and Infrared Security features
Age Verification
Image of ID
Data for integration
Watch list integration
Data within Firewall
Match barcode to other data
Audit Trail
Preferred by regulators

Want to be certain?

Let's connect to see how TrueAuthentication can protect your business. Contact us 
for more information or to schedule a demo.